Tennis 🎾

The new u3a Leeds Tennis Group began in summer 2016 and it plays at Shadwell Tennis Club every Thursday morning. They kindly agreed to let us use their courts for free so that they could, through Partnership with U3A Leeds, help publicise the Tennis Club and bring tennis to a much wider group of players.

The Tennis Club has two courts and is tucked away down "the ginnel" in the village of Shadwell on the outskirts of Leeds. The small but active Committee has been working hard to develop membership and facilities so I am sure U3A Leeds members playing there will be of benefit to both our organisations. As a member of the u3a Leeds committee and a keen tennis player, I realise that it is often difficult for third age players to find suitable partners so starting a u3a tennis group seemed a logical step forward and a good way to go.

A small but enthusiastic group of u3a players come along most Thursday mornings and we are fortunate to be supported by a number of Shadwell Tennis Club Committee members. The tennis club has secured a grant to encourage over 35s to return to the game or try tennis and this fits in well with the culture of our organisation. Thanks to Shadwell Tennis Club, we have also been able to secure the assistance of a tennis coach who has worked with each member individually to look at their game and point out ways to develop their play. By working together with Shadwell Tennis Club it has made it possible for more players to return to a game they thought they wouldn't be able to play again and it has allowed people to try tennis for perhaps the first time since their school days.

Announcement: The tennis group now offers free coaching sessions on Wednesdays.

We intend playing throughout the year, if we can, and we are planning some social events with the tennis club members so that some of the U3A members may be persuaded to continue their tennis more regularly. Indeed they might, in time, play at the club as members encouraging and mentoring other budding U3A players.

The U3A Tennis Group meets every Thursday from 10–11.30am at Shadwell Tennis Club, The Ginnel, Shadwell, Leeds.

Margaret Maiden, U3A Leeds Committee Member
Jill Stephenson, Shadwell Tennis Club Committee Member

For more information: E.