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If you have any questions or suggestions, our Executive Committee members will be very pleased to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch by email, phone or in person at one of our meetings.

Jo Turner Groups Coordinator: groups@u3aleeds.org

Sue Higginbotham Membership Secretary: membership@u3aleeds.com

Gary Thurston Publicity Coordinator: publicity@u3aleeds.org


Call the Leeds u3a Helpline: 07510 653497

Many of us are usually at the Alternate Tuesday General Meetings, so please do come and speak to us individually then @ Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre.

Alternatively, you can email any of the Committee members listed on our Committee page.

If you wish to contact us confidentially, you can download this form.

In particular, you should use this form if you wish to make a Subject Access Request under data protection legislation.

If you are considering setting up a new interest group, click here for a printable New Group Registration Form.