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7 Up Walking Group - Check your page for your recently updated programme. 🧭
7 Up Walking Group - Check your page for your recently updated programme. 🧭
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Welcome to the website of u3a Leeds, devoted to lifelong learning, providing opportunities to share skills and interests by learning together.
u3a Leeds is affiliated to a national organisation, the Third Age Trust. Membership is open to anyone within the Leeds area who is no longer in full time paid employment. There is no age limit.
For information on how to join, please go to Membership.
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click on it for more details.
We are now on Facebook
Leeds u3a
A Welcome from the Committee
A very warm welcome to Leeds u3a and to our new website! We hope that you will visit regularly to keep in touch with what is happening in our u3a and feel encouraged to learn, laugh and live in the company of like-minded people.
As a current member of our u3a, I hope you are already enjoying gaining new skills and sharing experiences thanks to the broad range of activity groups. u3a aims for members to offer their skills freely to enable others to try out new crafts, hobbies and recreational activities.
Some take an active role in running the groups and we are very grateful for the time they spend organising our activities. Others just come along to enjoy their time with us. Do what suits you best, and if you have a skill to share, please let us know.
Are you thinking of joining u3a? You will be very welcome to try out our activities. We have over 40 groups which meet at various places over the month.
Come along to one of our general meetings on alternate Tuesdays, 1.30 - 3.30pm, at Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre. You can listen to one of our excellent guest speakers and chat to our members over a cup of tea after being greeted by one of our committee members. It is a great opportunity to make new friends.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Leeds u3a Committee
“Joining u3a has expanded my horizons and given me lots of enjoyment and fun.”
— Paul G